Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Notes on the meeting on August 11

Dear Friends, 

Table Topics was handled effectively by C.M. Daniel. Subjects included the Commonwealth Games corruption mess, Karunanidhi’s many wives, and Mamata Banerjee’s joint public meeting with the Maoists.

Kurian then gave 10 Onam Resolutions for Malayalis:

1)      Smile. Malayalis are very stingy with smiles. But a smile makes you healthier and confident.
2)      Start walking. Many of us avoid exercise. We eat and sleep a lot. Many diseases can be avoided by a regular physical workout.
3)      Appreciate the good things in life. Avoid criticism. Most Malyalis give negative comments when they meet each other for the first time.
4)      Think positive. Malayalis are always negative-minded. They tend to see a difficulty in every opportunity.
5)      Share your wealth and problems. The law of nature is that the more you give the more you get back. Malayalis should also learn to confide their problems to others. It will enable them to solve it.
6)      Take the good and make it the best.
7)      Have a definite aim. If you see it in the mind you can have it in the hand. Thought becomes a thing.
8)      Dream big. Malayalis think small. MG Road was supposed to be a 120 ft. street. Instead, it is a 70 ft. road.
9)      Start keeping accounts of your income and expenditure. However, one member commented that it will lead to fights with your wife every second day.
10)  Eat healthy food. Prevention is better than a cure. Most food items are poisonous, and full of pesticides.


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